Video Inspection for investigation of the state of conservation of an aqueduct pipeline

A precious resource abundant for the few - The importance of periodic inspections of the distribution system (National Water Network)

In Italy, an average of 80.5 percent of the quality of water for human consumption is ensured by groundwater, which is naturally protected and on which an extensive system of controls by water service managers and Local Health Authorities is grafted. Italian water resources, however, have always been characterized by a large gap in terms of distribution along the boot, according to the following percentage values:

53% North
19% Central
21% South
7% Islands

The water problem in Italy is not a recent one. Water network leakage in Italy has always been a problem. In 2018, on average, 37.3 percent of the water put into the network was lost, with values reaching 45 percent in some areas of central and southern Italy These are important percentages, especially if we consider that these values are decreasing compared to previous years. Water dispersion, in fact, is a problem that has always plagued the Italian water network and the causes are well known:

- installations too old;
- frequent ruptures in some areas;

Data from recent years show an improvement in the situation mainly related to an increase in water network renovations and repairs.

Drone video inspections of pipelines: a solution for monitoring the conservation status of aqueducts

During the last months we have been engaged in several interventions to check the state of conservation of pipelines, canals and entire underground branches of the main aqueducts in Italy. Through video inspection it is possible to check every centimeter of the pipeline, check structural elements, corrosion of metal parts, possible obstructions and/or irregular inputs and withdrawals, verify pre-existing maintenance interventions and any kind of future intervention needs.

Sump SF26_ water main inletVideo water pipeline inspection

How to proceed?

Once permission is obtained from the Client to proceed with the video-inspection, the signal extender is lowered into the entry cockpit to have optimal reception between the drone and the radio control. During the video-inspection, the customer can view the condition of it in all its details through a real-time monitor and guide the pilot to the points of interest to be monitored and controlled. Different flight missions are carried out, depending on the time available for video inspection. Each flight can cover different the case below, three flight missions structured as follows were carried out:

Flight 1: From SF26 - 53m approx. to SF27
Flight2: From SC26 - 41m approx. toward SF26
Flight3: From SC26 - about 38m toward SF25.
The total length of pipeline inspected is: 132m

3D reconstruction of the inspected pipeline using drone-embedded Lidar.
3D reconstruction of the inspected pipeline using drone-embedded Lidar. Total 132 m

The inspected section of pipeline, devoid of water, visually shows corrosion rust in some sections. During the inspection, the side walls, top and bottom were inspected. Using the Inspector software, it is possible in post production to detect measurements and locations and identify each situation on the 3D map created using the point cloud.

Below are some images from the video inspection:

Using Inspector software, it is possible in post production to detect measurements and positions
Using Inspector software, it is possible in post production to detect measurements and positions


Pipeline interior view
3D reconstruction of the pipeline to derive the pipe diameter.
3D reconstruction of the pipeline to derive the pipe diameter.









The goal set with the client has been achieved. Thanks to the video, images, and 3D model, the technicians will be able to carry out all the in-depth investigations of the case.. Once back in the office, a folder was shared with the client containing:
- The files for use in Inspector 5 software, where you can view and process individual video inspections;
- The full videos of all video inspections in MP4 at a resolution of 4K;
- The photos of some details extracted from the videos and the file in .LAS format for 3D modeling.

Want to learn more and view more images related to video inspection? Contact us Contact our representatives with confidence. Tell us about your needs. Contact us: Tel: +390245867186 (5 r.a. lines)